Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mie Aceh, One of Indonesian Noodle Recipes


I don?t know how many time should I said that I am proud and grateful to be an Indonesian. Living among many culture, character, and also food Winking smile. The mostly you have to know is Indonesia is a rich country with many kind of food. Ok, this time for me to talk about Aceh Food called Mie Aceh, mie for noodle and Aceh is a place from where the food came from. This is The Mie Aceh picture


I had this food last Tuesday with my senior and junior friends. Mbak Winda, Mbak Adel, Ka Irene, and Ade. We got a mess together in a small corner restaurant at Jalan Bengawan-Bandung. I could know this place because the day before I also had this food with my beloved cousin. Neither a glamour restaurant nor an expensive restaurant. This is just a simple restaurant with extraordinary recipes and and I think this must be the special menu of this restaurant called Mie Rebus Special.

You must be now try to imagine what the taste of this food right? hihihi Smile. I actually not really sure what the detail content of the flavor but as my friend said it could be nutmeg, pepper, chili, and many other seasoning that make the taste so colorful. This really different with Kare from India. This food is very hot and spicy with an unique taste. The Noodle also have a different texture with any other noodle. I think the noodle must be hand made by the chef with a chewy and soft texture. In this food you can also find shrimp, meat, chicken, bean sprouts, vegetable, scallions, celery and mixed together with the egg. In Indonesia it serves with melinjo crispy, union pickle, cucumber and added it with a splash of little lime.


And the red one is a sirup ketimun or in English is cucumber syrup. Nice taste also ^^ and I and my friend were being enjoyed to eat. Ok let gets a bite Smilefor tonight. Oops, because I have tried the Mie Aceh before? so at that time I was trying Roti Cane. A sweet thin bread with cheese and milk topping like the creeps in America but this one is Indonesian unique and different taste.


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